
La Releve by LEs Echos (Source: LEs Echos)
"The implementation of this concept has required a lot of work, and we are happy to do so, thanks to the help of Henri Gibier, who led this edition. "Introduced Nicolas Barre, Editor Director" He then continues with French humor "Many people tell me to dream to be a journalist, and it requires some talent ! There are hard times, but we will be with you, we are very proud and happy to share this passion of journalist here with you. "Nicolas Barre finishes by recalling the independence of the press and its freedom" It is a commitment in the sense of literature and showed to very strong with independence, the press is free in the name of Freedom of Speech, therefore, the information and verification of many sources ahem to be carefully checked up. Feel free to take sources and the complexity of our world around us at a time when social networks are more than active " Dominique Seux, meanwhile, commented also on journalism. "Journalists know a lot about little ». Hubert Reeves the famous French-Canadian astrophysicist and popularizer of science, stated : " The constellations of mega satellites begin to facilitate space exploration. and the preservation of the Earth is our mission"
The "Journalists for a day" must respect the following rules: A size of the article (Number of limit signs), shortened working time, wanted under the conditions of the real time when it comes to the real journalists, each one can adopt his own rhythm, in duet with a journalist at Les Echos who will be his coach, providing him with advice and a job. The subject is imposed by the Echoes knowing that it is away from the field exercised by the guest "Journalist of the Day", and according to a category of themes: France (Social Week, French companies CSR), Climate Change (The advances according to COP 25 which starts on December 13, The Secretary of State of National Education and Youth, an Spokesperson of LREM, at the National Assembly, Gabriel Attal, will write an article in duet with Stephane Dupont, on the very current topic of the "social week for all the dangers for the French government. Martin Hirsch, President of APHP (Hospitals of Paris), will make the political column of the newspaper Les Echos, which will exceptionally have a special focus "Social Week that will make the UNE a lot of subjects, with an explosive situation at the RATP, the pension scheme, the GAFA taxes, the hospital strike ... "given the very peculiar and tense schedule in France, which is coming up next with the" unlimited "strike scheduled for 5 December. Brune Poirson, Secretary of State to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, interviewed Mr Freteau, Partner at BCG, about (Social Enterprise responsible) in line withe the BCG report on the specific matter of climate change.
Gabriel Attal : is a French Politician Secretary of State to the Ministry of National Education & Youth in Edouard Philippe´ s government. At 29, Gabriel Attal is the youngest member of a government under the Fifth Republic, beating a few months the record set by Francois Baroin, in 1995. He is responsible for intervening on youth issues and setting up universal national service. He becomes spokespeople of La République en Marche (LREM), Emmanuel Macron´s Party of Majority, in January 2018. He decided to write bravely, his article on the debate arm wrestling about the reform of the retrace, one of the most thorny and most explosive subjects at the moment, a period of general strike announced unlimited, by the CGT, and other unions down the trade unionists of the National Education, as the proposal of the Edouard Philippe government withdrawal of this reform for a retirement "points" or also called "universal". In fact, this reform provides for the support of the 42 special pension plans in ONE universal and unique regime. Gabriel Attal explains in his article that: "Rather than an arm-wrestling, during this social week is more watched, by the majority as the opportunity for a renewal, historical social relations. He adds: "The spectrum of mobilizations has shifted. It is clear that there is a reinvention through more punctual methods, ten actions around Black Friday and the movement Extinction Rebellion. "
Brune Poirson, Secretary of State to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, interviewed Mr Freteau, Partner at BCG, about (Social Enterprise responsible) in line withe the BCG report on the specific matter of climate change. Brune Poirson conducted herself the interview of Mr Freteau, from BCG, to be published, as regards the enterprises, companies, which are taking responsibilities on energetic transition and other matters to deal with the fighting of Climate change, "Eco friendly"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gaspard Gantzer, former head of Communication of President Hollande, at Elysee, now running the Paris elections (Founder of the Movement « Parisians ») , is writing an article about with his journalist coach Renaud Honore, about "The worried support of French pension reform," the most explosive subject of the moment given the general strike announced December 5, as to revive the spirit of the strike of 5 December 1995, which had lasted almost a month, crippling the whole of France by blocking public transport and forced the government of the time to back down.--------------------------------------------------------
Rachida Dati former Minister of Justice, who is also running for Paris 2020 Elections "Corporate Responsibility to help those who are vulnerable to accede to act on climate change and act on this urgency and fight against precariousness and precariousness, as well as other other topics of pollution and about mobility for Paris to modernize the means of public transport and security measures. in direct relation with his program of the 2020 elections, to become mayor of Paris. Laurent Millon, will highlight the hottest topic that is Black Friday, which has packed the audience these days, and also the scoop about the investment of Will there be €2 Bn RATP.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Benjamin Griveaux, french MP for LREM, former sposkesperson of the French government, and also candidate for the Paris election 2020, is building up a story about. In that matter, Alexandre Bompard, CEO and Chairman of giant retail chain Carrefour, is giving his funny comments, on stage, about Brexit « Given that Europe has the opportunity depending on the new European Commission, will talk about it, and we will also talk about Brexit and the climate and the rest of the world, everything is fine! »´
Vincent Lindon, multi-awarded French actor, and filmmaker, who has been active for more than 30 years, (At the 2015 Cannes Film Festival ) won the award for best Actor for his role in the film The Mesure of a Man) is in charge of the column of today, which is the core of the journal. He confess on stage very humbly : «I know nothing about anything, I arrived this morning, the first one as soon as I could and in 3498 signs what I have in the body, the brain in the senses to connect my thought for a very long time in this editorial that I made this morning. I do not have the culture Malraux, I do not know why they called me, they offered me I asked nothing!"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Emmanuelle Wargon Secretary of State to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, wrote an article entitled: "French people attached to their car, in both senses of the word" on announcement that will take place a debate posing liberalism and capitalism.Dominique Senard, CEO of Renault, face Laurent Berger, iconic President of French Union CFDT,And we're going to talk about ecology and the second about energy confronts Isabelle Koch and Yannick Jadot, and the third is the company's point of view Isabelle Autissier from WWF.-------------------------------------------------------------------
Bertrand Piccard is a Swiss psychiatrist and balloonist, who realized the biggest challenge of performing he was the first to complete a non-stop balloon flight around the globe, in a balloon named Breitling Orbiter 3 Along with Brian Jones.
Stephane Israel , explained that "This year at Vivendi Mediaset, it will be a question of comparing the climate challenge and the subject on the data centers, responsible advertising or not, made the day on the digital and interview of, Andre Mack Affe, by Jerome De Castries , as well as the Champions League Canals + Rights, and Vivendi Mediaset. Andrew Paul McAfee is an emeritus research scientist at MIT, cofounder and co-director of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He studies how digital technologies are changing the world. Jerome de Castries, became CEO of Afiniti at 25 years old, and developed a string friendship studied Andrew Mc Afee studied at MIT. He is a Fan of photography, he begins with a two-month stay in South America, then goes to Tanzania where he becomes a ranger (guard) in game reserves. Jerome de Castries explains that Afiniti allows to "determine which adviser will have the best chance of having the best interaction with this client", in line with his humanist approach, he wants to reconcile technology and the human without opposing them.
Benjamin Griveaux: is a French politician. A member of La Republique en Marche, (LREM), and was was elected to the National Assembly, on 18 June 2017, representing Paris (Mars 2020 Elections). He served as government spokesman, from 27 November 2017 until 27 March 2019 and has frequently been described as one of President Emmanuel Macron´s closest political allies.«We will discuss the alternative between capitalism and communism, in 2200 signs, we will focus on nine (9) sectors, not to mention a scoop under "embargo" on the upcoming trips Paris-San Francisco served by Air France“¦ » .
Brune Poirson explains to us that the impassable environment or introduction on corporate social responsibility CSR, "To know if the responsibility is more strategic or not, and BCG partner, how are our French companies position, in the sectors of construction, fashion, Energy, as well as a case study and an exclusive news to be announced at the end of the afternoon .. »
Elisabeth Borne, is a French senior civil servant and government official serving as Minister of the Ecological and Inclusive Transition since 16 July 2019. She used to be the Minister of Transport, in the Edouard Philippe Government, since 17 May 2017. She previously was the chief executive officer of RATP Group, a state-owned enterprise, a providing services in the field of public transport, from 2015 to 2017. As for her, Elisabeth Borne, wrote an article in the Climate change category "Indispensable COP 25, remains an unavoidable moment of exchange and which raises a responsibility tripe"Jean Louis Etienne, is a French doctor, explorer, and renowned scientist,, wit works are well known for his Arctic and Antarctic explorations, including the famous Transantarctica in 1989. He wrote a tribune as regard of the climate change and especially the global warming "To limit the impact of global warming, only 1/4 of Francis believe in progress and 3/4 rely on individual behavior change"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hubert Reeves , the very famous impactful, French-Canadian astrophysicist and popularizer of science, From 1960 to 1964, he taught physics at the Université de Montréal and worked as an advisor to NASA. He has been a Director of Research at the Centre Nationale de a Recherche Scientifique since 1965. Studied Astrophysics. He wrote an article dude the title : « The sixth extinction of a space tale", he explains that the discovery of thousands of exoplanets and the loss of biodiversity on Earth are two concomitant phenomena, whose juxtaposition must give us pause.------------------------------------------------------
Delphine Ernotte, the CEO of France Televisions, and a former executive at Orange S.A highlights the spécifique analysis of the energy for cities, "The future of the planet begins in our assists," says Delphine Ernotte, while announcing another topic on the city of Orleans, about orleans, which is self-powered, among other topics concerning SMEs Regions with regard to Construction for example in Bordeaux Atlantique and Eiffage, and about Le Havre versus photovoltaic panels,
START UPS AND FINANCE : DOES IT PAY TO BE GOOD IN ECOLOGY ? ------------------------------------------------------
On the side of finance and start up, it seems to be another topic more oriented as the exposure of fundraising in European countries are concerned, as investors have awakened and 4.4 billion euros which exceeded the 2 billion, not counting a interview with Marie Leland who accompanied Criteo to NASDAQ ... according to Barbara Pompili, French MP at LREM, former Secretary of State for Biodiversity from 2016 to 2017. She stated, as far as banks are concerned, when it comes to take climate change into consideration whether they invest or make savings :"The central banks around the world will react to climate risks, as we will see with Planet Finance Day, BitCoin and Crypto consume too much electricity. "As for the Climate Finance Day, which took place this week that will address the topic of the involvement of banks in global warming, and good practices in green finance, as well as the credibility of banks.Philippe Val, French Journalist, comedian and singer who co founded the satiric Journal Charlie Hebdo is coming up with a quote « DOES IT PAY TO BE GOOD in ecology » ?
Sophie Cluzel, is a French politician, serving as the Secretary of State in charge of people with disabilities in the Philippe Government since 17 May 2017. Sophie Cluzel is writing a story about Brexit issues untitled : "The risk of an unstable British Parliament and a Brexit without solution".-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Axel Dauchez, a serial entrepreneur, is in charge of the newsletter of les Echos for this exclusives journal of this week end. As for the Newsletter of 6 pm, it will be available tomorrow morning during the sprawl and will be written by Axel Dauchez, who is the CEO, Founder of, (graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique) a platform for civil democracy, knowing that the newsletter is more read than the version of the paper reviews, with a stake to choose only 4 to 5 items among the 40 , in this newsletter which will be very oriented towards an editorial line on the environment, with each article comprising 400 signs. In September 2014, he became President of Publicis France. In 2016, he piloted the first edition of Viva Technology Paris, the first global event held in France dedicated to collaboration between start-ups and large groups. He also founded his first company,, a platform for citizen lobbying that gives everyone the way to build and share civic solutions to meet the challenges of local, national and European policy. He also happened to be the CEO, of Deezer, in early 2010, and transformed the company in 4 years to world leader in the digital distribution of music, with more than 5M subscribers in over 180 countries and structured partnerships including Orange, Deutsche Telekom, Facebook and Samsung.
THE CITIES AND REGIONS ARE PAYING THEIR PART TO FIGHT AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE AUGUSTIN DE ROMANET, CEO ADP, SAID-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Augustin de Romanet, (also named Pascal Pierre Louis Marie de Romanet, Earl of Beaune is a French political advisor and business executive, chief executive officer of ADP Group ADP Group since November 2012. He served as chairman of the Caisse des Depots et Consignations from 2007 to 2012, and held several positions between 1986 and 2006. Augustin de Romanet, explains in a press conference, with a little humor, from the stage of the auditorium, that "To fight against global warming we must measure and act and in cities, mayors have not often the echoes they have in paris, all the candidates of Mairie de Paris will be able to come to me to talk about their proposals in their cities, in fight against the global warming and the emissions of CO2. Orleans is the first city to use 100% electric buses This will encourage other mayors to do the same.
Bernard Arnault, CEO of LVMH, (Les Echos- Le Parisien Journal owned by LVMH Group), is now the second richest person in the world, according to recent Forbes estimates, and also art collector. The French luxury giant is at the head of Louis Vuitton and Moet & Chandon in particular, and weighs $ 103.2 billion (91.7 billion euros), or $ 76 billion more than in March, when Forbes had published his annual ranking of billionaires. Bernard Arnault was then the fourth fortune of the planet, then exceeded the threshold of 100 billion dollars for the first time in June. LVMH shares have indeed reached a record level, with 50% increase since the beginning of the year.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bernard Arnault is not only a billionaire magnate, yet he is a genuine, businessman, who evolved, starting up nearly form scratch and transformed his own first business into a rich global large empire.----------------------------------------------------------
using good orientations when it comes to taking strategic moves, to get where he gets. He is a hard worker and very discreet amongst other CEOs. His participation to this exclusive number of the Journal Les Echos, LA RELEVE, shows how one of the most powerful global leader, his participation in this special issue of Les Echos LA RELEVE, denotes a part of his personality, getting him "playing the game" himself, to level the 180 Journalists and their guests to put themselves in their shoes for the time being, a unique edition.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
He, was graduated at Ecole Polytechnique, and his father His father, Jean Leon Arnault, a graduate of Ecole Centrale Paris, was a manufacturer and the owner of the civil engineering company Ferret-Savinel. It is in this natural logic, that Bernard Arnault wrote a very confessional article about how Companies, are connected to the success of the world, and can even save it "Without companies we will not save the world" and through his writing he explains how, It is thus delivered in a very personal way, as for his own perspective of success, via entrepreneurship, guided by an ideal, at the service of society and on a larger scale at the service of the world, at the beginning of his article that "it is by the ideal that we accomplish ourselves, whatever shape he can take: beauty, justice, generosity. By ideal, and the will to reach it, we find the energy to rise above, the gravity of the constraints. It is this energy which I believe is the strongest cement that can unite us and brings together men of good will. "-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jacques Attali, is a French economic and social theorist, writer, political adviser, and senior civil servant, who served as a counselor to President Francois Mitterrand from 1981 to 1991 and was the first head of the European Bank For Restructuration and development in 1991-1993. In 1997, upon the request of education minister Claude Allegre, he proposed a reform of the higher education degrees system. In 2008-2010, he led the government committee on how to ignite the growth of the French economy, under President Nicolas Sarkozy, Jacques Attali is also renowned for his impactful activities, over has Foundation Positive Planet Foundation , a powerful NGO, undertaking 40 projects, 28 countries, 50 financial and technical partners, worldwide in line with their objectives of fostering international the economic inclusion of fragile populations. Jacques Attali, a rédigé un article intitulé « "And if China no longer struggles against the fighting against global warming », as he explains that "Decided to do everything to protect the purchasing power of their consumers, Chinese leaders have quietly cease funding renewable energy projects. "
Eric Orsenna the famous famous French politician and novelist, former advisor of French President Francois Mitterrand, specialized in economics at the London Schools of Economics, fera quant a lui un portrait de de Bertrand Piccard, Eric Orsenna, who seems to have a great admiration, admits to having been "in love with the grandmother of Bertrand Piccard" before confiding: "He is an explorer who according to him is" particular because he is born into a family of explorers, and that he is beautiful and that's why the relative I negotiated with the editor for page and a half, to write his portrait.
Jean louis Etienne, :"To turn the metro and RER in Paris would require 400 wind turbines of 2Mega watt which operate at 15 - 20 km / h of wind and it works well, but what to do if we put in place the decarbornisation, and that there no wind?
Let´s go to the offices and star up your stories,-------------------------------------------------------------
As for the closure, it will take place at the end of the afternoon after the final drafting conference chaired by Nicolas Barre, the editor-in-chief of Les Echos, and whose exclusive interview will be presented later. Secretary of Writing Laurence Meunier had the heavy task of correcting the articles written by the "Journaliste de Jour", most of them shortening to fit the format required for the Journal's closure. without losing the essence of the idea and not corrupt the author of the article in question, after correction. Tomorrow morning, from the first hour, the paper version is to be delivered with in France with a circulation of 122 000 copies and 1285 overseas, of the newspaper will be printed and distributed in France and while the online version will also be available via the net (3 am). The front page will showcase the photo (by Bruno) of the 180 guests « Journalists of the Day » standing next the Editor Director, Nicolas Barre.
Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi Hubert Reeves Jean Lois Etienne Vincent Lindon Dominique De Seux Nicolas Barre Bernard Arnaud Lvmh Le Parisien La Releve Les Echos
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